WD: Maritza + David
A lovely moment between mother and daughter. Love the crazy pattern the lighting fixture created and had to use it to my advantage. Maritza is ready to go. Loving this moment!!! So many memorable and funny moments.Let the ’80s partying begin.
WD: Jennifer + Jacky
It fills me with great honor when I get to document weddings recommended to me from past clients but this was even more special it was Erica’s brother. I remember back at Erica + David’s wedding I captured some candid moment of these two lovely couple you see here. Little did I know I would one day be documenting their big day! I would love to share with you some of my favorite images from that day:A beautiful touch to have each and every one of the bridesmaid’s dresses hung from custom hangers. Shows just how special these girls are to Jennifer. Jacky successfully gained access into the house after doing some…
E-Session: Mireya + Marc
DUMBO has always been a great setting for incredible imagery to emerge. I always love this neighborhood and the creative push it always provides for me. For Mireya and Marc I wanted to make sure they had an incredible experience and amazing images to remember this day, here are some of my favorites: Looks like I had some competition for this shot. “Yo, welcome to Brooklyn”Candidness…gets the best results! My love for lights and shadows Thank you both for being incredible. I can’t wait to document your wedding in April.