E-Session: Vanessa + Jonathan
These two amazingly kind people contacted me a year ago from Singapore and asked if I would help them document their engagement session in NYC. I was floored when I got that email and was thankful that they entrusted me with this task. Check out some of my favorite images for Vanessa and Johnathan session:
We explored Rockefeller Center documenting some iconic locations before we went up to the Top of the Rock observatory.
They were brave to get onto the street to capture them in front of the church.
Their candid smiles made me a happy photographer.
It’s all about timing for this shot. The rain stopped, people disapppered from the frame, and the moment was just right…
Back against the door, head on the door handle…all worth it to get these lines converging on Jonathan and Vanessa.
We arrived here around 8pm and there was no one in sight. It was pretty amazing to have the entire NYPL steps to ourselves…couldnt ask for anything better.
Just chilling with Patience.
Always found the entrance to grand central terminal just as iconic if not a better perspective to show the wonderful architecture with the busy scene of NYC.
Sometimes the simplest gestures create the biggest impact in an image.
One of my favorite shots of all time. It helps that the station was basically cleared of anyone and it was just them isolated in this one moment.
Noticed these spotlights on the ground and had to use them.
When in NYC come see a broadway show and they sure did. They saw Aladdin and I couldn’t resist to come back to capture a few shots in this very spot.
This was such a hidden gem in Times Square. I never noticed this before but I am glad I did.
What a great way to spend the evening in NYC with these two incredible people. I hope our paths cross again, maybe when I am in Singapore. =)